BFP Pre-Forum Meeting, Addis

Workshop report  Pre Forum BFP Meeting Report.pdf



  1. Welcome to BFP workshop by Simon Cook Welcome to BFP Workshop.pdf
  2. Cross basin comparison by Simon Cook Brief X-basin review.pdf
  3. CPWF Phase 2 Information by Jonathan Woolley Phase 2 information for BFP workshop.pdf
  4. Livestock Water Productivity- Lessons relevant to the BFPs by Don Peden CPWF-BFP-Nov08.pdf 
  5. Fish water productivity-A sinner's view by Simon Cook Fish_Wprod.pdf
  6. Limpopo BFP-Intervention analysis by Lindiwe Sibanda and Amy Sullivan LIMPOPO FANRPAN WP5.pdf
  7. Water management across scales in the So Francisco iver basin, Brazil: Policy options and poverty consequences by Marco Maneta, Marcelo Torres, Steve Vosti and SFRB team  Addis_BFP_Presentation_v5.pdf 
  8. Yellow River BFP-Intervention Analysis by Claudia RinglerIntervention_analysis.pdf
  9. Niger BFP- Knowledge Management by Andrew Ogilvie and Jean-Charles Clanet  BFP Niger Knowledge mgmt.ppt
  10. Nile BFP -Intervention Analysis by Seleshi Bekele BFP-WP5-IFWF2.pdf
  11. Change process and Impact by Boru Douthwaite BFP-WP6.pdf
  12. Analysis of agricultural water productivity by Bharat Sharma WP3-BFPIGB(BRS).pdf
  13. Water use accounting in the Volta basin by Devaraj de Condappa BFP_Volta_-_Water_Availability.pdf 
  14. WEAP Volta: a collaborative tool on the (long) road to implementation by Devaraj de Condappa BFP_Volta_-_WEAP_Volta.pdf