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BFP Review Meeting

Page history last edited by Maya Rajasekharan 15 years, 4 months ago

The BFP1 meeting reviewed the progress of the first 4 BFPs and identified the main issues that need to be considered in the second phase of the CPWF.  The workshop identified three outstanding requirements from Phase 2 and are (1) water and poverty; (2) change processes and (3) system modelling


Presentations from the meeting: 

  1. Purpose and content  by Simon CWPF Basin Focal Projects Workshop.ppt
  2. Karkheh BFP by Mark  Cali Conference Karkheh BFP Mark.pdf
  3. Volta BFP by Jacques  VoltaCaliASep2007.ppt
  4. Sao Francisco BFP by Marcelo Cali_Presentation_v3_MT.ppt
  5. Mekong BFP by Mac Cali presentation Mekong BFPs 20070915.ppt
  6. Basin water use accounting by Mac  Cali presentation basins water use accounts 20070915.ppt
  7. Basin water use accounting: quick look at Volta climate change Cali presentation Volta climate change 20070917.ppt
  8. Report on Intergrated Data Information System (IDIS) CPWF_IDIS_BPFreport.doc


  A short report of  the meeting Notes from BFP Cali Workshop.doc


  For more inforamtion please contact us: s.cook@cgiar.org and maya.janamma@gmail.com 


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