The BFP1 meeting reviewed the progress of the first 4 BFPs and identified the main issues that need to be considered in the second phase of the CPWF. The workshop identified three outstanding requirements from Phase 2 and are (1) water and poverty; (2) change processes and (3) system modelling
Presentations from the meeting:
- Purpose and content by Simon CWPF Basin Focal Projects Workshop.ppt
- Karkheh BFP by Mark Cali Conference Karkheh BFP Mark.pdf
- Volta BFP by Jacques VoltaCaliASep2007.ppt
- Sao Francisco BFP by Marcelo Cali_Presentation_v3_MT.ppt
- Mekong BFP by Mac Cali presentation Mekong BFPs 20070915.ppt
- Basin water use accounting by Mac Cali presentation basins water use accounts 20070915.ppt
- Basin water use accounting: quick look at Volta climate change Cali presentation Volta climate change 20070917.ppt
- Report on Intergrated Data Information System (IDIS) CPWF_IDIS_BPFreport.doc
A short report of the meeting Notes from BFP Cali Workshop.doc
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