
Poverty, water use and water productivity in the Andean System of Basins

Page history last edited by Maya Rajasekharan 15 years, 7 months ago

Water Poverty:

Project researchers are conducting analyses at three spatial scales. First, they study poverty and water at the national scale. They review and analyze country level data over the last decades. The result of this assessment will be an overview paper on poverty and poverty-water linkages in the region.

 Second, project researchers are conducting a broad-scale analysis at the municipio level to understand poverty drivers and the poverty-water nexus. They are considering poverty as the dependent variable in a regression framework. Independent variables will be chosen using the livelihoods framework in such a way that the livelihoods “capitals”  — those factors that foster well-being – are well represented.

 A large database of socioeconomic and biophysical data for Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia has been assembled to support this analysis.

Finally, the project conducts focused basin-level analysis for Fuquene, Ambato and Jequetepeque watersheds in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru respectively. Bayesian analysis was carried out to identify the poverty drivers. The analysis relied on household level surveys in these watersheds. The project will produce a final report that considers the results from a cross-scale perspective. Read More...........


Water availability:

The Andes BFP is examining water availability at two scales: An overview at the Andes scale and a series of more detailed sub-basin analyses. The  Andean scale  incorporates all areas above 500 meters above sea level at a spatial resolution of 1km and with a monthly time resolution using a climate dataset that represents the mean climate for the last 30 years. We have also carried out analysis of spatial and temporal variability and identified key water availability regimes. The local analysis of water availability is being carried out at a spatial resolution of 1 Ha and a temporal resolution varying from monthly to hourly depending on the specific intervention being analyzed.

The Andes BFP approaches problems linked to the accessibility of poor distribution of water resources in rural basins of Ambato, and Fúquene Jequetepeque by developing methodologies to determine the overall costs of implementing strategies that address these issues.

Such methodologies include an equation in terms of infrastructure unit, which estimates the cost of access to water through conveyance systems driven entirely by gravity. This estimate considers labor costs, infrastructure, and indirect water treatment. Once completed this estimation process will be integrated into our online Policy Support System. Read More...........


Water Productivity:

In the Andean Basin Focal Project,  we aim to provide a comprehensive  analysis of  different sectoral water uses and the implications of these for social and economic development. Alongside water use in agriculture, the energy, sector is also critical. The work that we are engaged in includes research around water productivity and energy within the Andean region  creating models and maps of water availability  using Geographic Information System modelling and equation based spatial modelling.We are also  developing a Geographic Information System based model for the whole of the basin to identify areas suitable for aquaculture activities. Read More.......


Institutional analysis:

The objectives of the Institutional Analysis work package are to generate research products that will provide an improved understanding of the constraints to and opportunities for improved water management and poverty alleviation as well as a description of the changes needed for institutions to enable improvement. Read More..... 


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