Publications from Karkheh
Page history
last edited
by Maya Rajasekharan 15 years, 7 months ago
Journal papers (published, submitted and in preparation)
- Hussain I., Turral H, Molden D, Ahmad MD. (2007). Measuring and enhancing the value of agricultural water in irrigated river basins. Irri. Sci, 25: 263-282.
- Ahmad M.D, Islam M.A, Masih I, Muthuwatta L, karimi P. and Turral H. (2009). Mapping basin-level water productivity using remote sensing and secondary data in the Karkheh river basin, Iran Water International 34: 119-133.
- Gamage, M.S.D.N; Ahmad MD; Karimi P. (2007). Estimating cropped area and yield using time series of MODIS imagery based vegetation index in Gamasiab Sub-Basin of Karkheh River Basin, Iran. Sri Lankan Journal of Geo-Informatics, 4: 39-55
- Masih I, Ahmad M.D, Uhlenbrook S, Turral H. and Karimi P. Analyzing streamflow variability and water allocation for sustainable management of water resources in the semi-arid Karkheh river basin, Iran. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. (Accepted).
- Assadzadeh, Ahmad. Poverty in the Karkheh Basin, Iran. Agricultural Economics and Development. Scientific and Research Quarterly Journal of the Agricultural Planning and Economics Research Institute, Tehran, Iran. (Submitted).
- Muthuwatt,L.P, M.D. Ahmad, M.G. Bos, and T.H.M. Rientjes. Assessment of water availability and consumption in the Karkheh River Basin –Iran- Using remote sensing and geo-statistics. Water Resources Management. (Accepted)
- Masih I, Uhlenbrook S, Ahmad MD, Maskey S, Islam Md. A. Estimating ungauged streamflows in the mountainous, semi-arid Karkheh river basin, Iran. Journal of Hydrology (submitted).
- Poolad Karimi, Charlotte de Fraiture and Anputhas. Is there a link between access to water, incomes and yields: A case study in Karkheh River Basin of Iran. (In preparation).
- Sara Marjanizadeh, Charlotte de Fraiture and Willibald Loiskandl. Will Karkheh Remain an Open Basin by 2025? Developing Different Food and Water Scenarios for Karkheh River Basin (in preparation).
- Masih I, Uhlenbrook S, Ahmad MD, Turral H, Vladmir S, Maskey S, Islam I, Rijsberman F. Using catchment similarity as the basis of regionalization for estimating ungauged streamflows in Karkheh basin Iran. Draft in preparation for a peer reviewed Journal.
Conference papers and presentations
1. Muthuwatt,L.P, M.D. Ahmad, M.G. Bos, and T.H.M. Rientjes. 2008. Estimating the spatial variability of water consumption in the Karkheh River Basin – Iran using MODIS data. Asian Conference of Remote Sensing to be held in Colombo- Sri Lanka, from 10-14 November 2008.
2. Ahmad MD, Islam A, Masih I, Lal M, Karimi P, Turral H. 2008, Water productivity mapping to identify opportunities to improve agricultural water management in the Karkheh river basin, Iran. Paper for the Second International Forum on Water and Food, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 10—14, 2008
3. Masih I, Ahmad MD, Uhlenbrook S, Turral H, Karimi P. 2008. Overview of streamflow variability and water accounts for the Karkheh basin, Iran. Paper for the Second International Forum on Water and Food, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 10—14, 2008.
4. Muthuwatt,L.P, M.D. Ahmad, M.G. Bos, and T.H.M. Rientjes. 2008. Surface Energy balance Modeling to track water consumption by heterogeneous land uses in Karkheh river basin. Paper for the Second International Forum on Water and Food, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 10—14, 2008.
5. Uhelnbrook S, Masih I, Maskey S, Ahmad MD. 2008. Estimating ungauged stream flows based on model regionalization – Examples from the mountainous, semi-arid Karkheh river basin, Iran. Key note paper for HydroPredict'2008 Conference on Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology, and Water Resources Management: Using Data and Models to Benefit Society 15-18 September 2008, Prague, Czech Republic.
6. Ahmad MD, Islam A, Masih I, Lal M, Karimi P, Turral H. 2008. Mapping basin level water productivity using remote sensing and secondary data In Karkheh river basin Iran. XIIIth World Water Congress, Montpellier, France, 1-4 September 2008.
7. Masih I, Ahmad MD, Turral H, Uhlenbrook S, Karimi P. 2008. Understanding hydrologic variability for better surface water allocations in Karkheh Basin Iran. Paper accepted for oral presentation at XIIIth World Water Congress to be held in Montpellier, France, from 1-4 September 2008.
8. Masih I, Uhlenbrook S, Ahmad, MD, Maskey S. 2008. Regionalization of a conceptual rainfall-runoff model based on similarity of the flow duration curve: a case study from Karkheh river basin, Iran. Presentation at the Boussinesq Center Workshop on Hydrologic science for an ever changing world: search for new hydrologic concepts, theories, models and practices, held on June 23-25, 2008, at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Available online at: http://www.boussinesqcenter.nl/act_masterclass_newtheorie.htm
9. Masih I, Uhlenbrook S, Ahmad MD, Maskey S. 2008. Regionalization of a conceptual rainfall-runoff model based on similarity of the flow duration curve: a case study from Karkheh river basin, Iran. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-00226, 2008 EGU General Assembly 2008. Poster presentation at EGU General Assembly meetings, Vienna, Austria, 13 – 18 April 2008. Available online at: http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU2008/00226/EGU2008-A-00226.pdf?PHPSESSID=
PhD thesis
Masih, I. Expected 2010. Hydrology and water balance analysis for sustaining food security and environmental services in Karkheh River Basin, Iran. PhD thesis. UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands.
Muthuwatt, L.P. Expected 2009. Water Resources Management in Karkheh river basin – Iran: An approach integrating water resources modeling and remote sensing, WageningenUniversity, the Netherlands.
Sara Marjanizadeh. 2008. Developing the “Best Case Scenario” for Karkheh River Basin Management (2025 Horizon); a Case Study from Karkheh River Basin, Iran Dissertation for obtaining a Doctorate Degree at University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences of Vienna (BOKU) (March 2008)
Research reports/Working papers
- Qureshi AS, Karimi P, Abbasi F. In preparation. Field Scale modeling to evaluate water productivity of irrigated crops in the Karkheh Basin of Iran. For submission as IWMI-RR.
- Sara Marjanizadeh , Hugh Turral, Asad Sarwar Qureshi and Parviz Talebzadeh. (submitted) The Evolution of the KarkhehRiver Basin: Historical development to the present day (1900-2000). Submitted for RR, under review
- JAMAB. 1999. Comprehensive assessment of national water resources: KarkhehRiver Basin. JAMAB Consulting Engineers in association with Ministry of Energy, Iran. (in Persian).
- JAMAB. 2006 a. Water balance report of Karkheh river basin area: preliminary analysis. JAMAB Consulting Engineers Co. Iran
- JAMAB. 2006 b. A report on the development of ground waters and utilization thereof in Karkheh drainage basin: an analysis of specifications. JAMAB Consulting Engineers Co. Iran.
- Masih I, Turral H, Ahmad MD, Uhlenbrook S. 2007. An overview of surface water hydrology and water accounting of Karkheh Basin,Iran. Draft Report. International Water Management Institute.
- Diagnostic Tour of the Karkheh River Basin: General Observations and Suggestions for Basin Focal Project Priorities Diagnostictourreport_KRB-Resized_final.pdf
For details please contact mobin.ahmad@csiro.au. Additional documents may also be found at www.bluedocs.org
Publications from Karkheh
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