Working papers

BFP working paper series


1.       Gichuki F. and Cook S.E. (2008). .Rapid Basin Assessment: Understanding the Issues and Generating a Response, BFP Working Paper 6. The paper presents a framework for rapidly assessing the resources of a basin by establishing an inventory of the resources; how the resources are used; and what is the status of the security of health, food and the environment. Based on this inventory, RBA then seeks to establish what the shortcomings are; what indications are there of problems; and how might those problems be resolved.

2.       Mainuddin M, Kirby M. and Chen Y. (2008). Spatial and Temporary Pattern of Land and Water Productivity in Lower Mekong River Basin, BFP Working Paper 5. A comprehenxive survey of water productivity of main crops and livestock (but not fish) in the four principal riparian countries of the Lower Mekong River Basin.

3.       Qureshi, A. S.; Qadir, M.; Heydari, N.; Turral, H.; Javadi, A. (2007). A review of managementstrategies for salt-prone land and water resources in Iran. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute. 30p. (IWMI Working Paper 125)

4.       Kirby M. and Mainuddin M. (2006). Water Productivity Assessment: Mekong River Basin Approach, BFP Working Paper 4. An advance edition of a working paper on the assessment of water productivity from the approach of the Mekong River Basin.

5.       Cook S.E. and Gichuki F. (2006). Mapping Water Poverty: Water, Agriculture and Poverty Linkages, BFP Working Paper 3.  A working paper, explaining the conceptual linkages between water, agriculture and poverty and potential methods of representing these linkages over entire basins at sufficient detail to enable analysis of livelihood impacts of agricultural water management.

6.       Cook S.E, Turral H. and Gichuki F. (2006). Water Productivity Assessment: Estimation at Plot, Farm and Basin Scale, BFP Working Paper 2.

7.       Cook S.E, Turral H. and Gichuki F. (2006). Agricultural Water Productivity: Issues, Concepts and Approaches, BFP Working Paper 1.

8.       Rajasekharan M, Cook SE, Lemoalle J, van Brakel M, Beveridge M. and Friend R. Towards an understanding of fisheries water productivity (in preparation)

9.       12 water use account papers by Kirby et al. are currently being finalized. 6 of them gone through review process and 4 of them in review.